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810 Willis Avenue
Albertson, NY 11507
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810 Willis Avenue
Albertson, NY 11507

General Dentistry in Albertson

General Dentisty Image

Chimon Family Dentistry offers general dentistry services in our Albertson, NY, practice. Call us at 516-877-2737 for an appointment.

What Is General Dentistry?

General dentists are dental primary care providers. They are responsible for preventive and restorative care, including exams, cleanings, and fillings. They can also handle specialized procedures like scaling, root planing, and root canals.

General dentists should be considered the leaders of your dental care team. They may need to refer you to specialists from time to time, but frequently they can handle all of your dental needs in-house.

Pediatric Dentistry

General dentists often treat children as well as adults. It's crucial to ensure children are comfortable with their dentist from a very young age. Children who trust their dentist are less likely to develop problems in later life.

Pediatric and general dentists focus on caring for a child's dental health from the time the baby's teeth first emerge. They teach first parents, then children, the proper way to care for teeth at home, including brushing and flossing techniques.

Pediatric dental practitioners also handle many of the same issues as adult dentists, from fillings to preventive treatments like fluoride.

Benefits of General Dentistry

Here are several of the top benefits of general dentistry:

Exams for Oral Cancer

When dentists perform examinations of your mouth, tongue, head, and neck, they check for signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer frequently goes undetected until the late stages, so regular dental care is a must.

Preventing Future Dental Issues

Regular dental care prevents future issues. Combining proper home care with twice-annual cleanings and exams can prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other problems.

Restoring Dental Health

General dentists can perform various restorative procedures, including fillings and crowns.

Providing a Dental Home Base

Your general dentist should be considered your dental "home base." General dentists can care for most oral health issues and refer you to a trusted specialist if needed.

Procedures Offered

Here are the general dentistry procedures offered by Chimon Family Dentistry:

Comprehensive Oral Examination

Comprehensive Evaluation

Dentists perform comprehensive oral examinations twice yearly as part of your regular cleaning appointment. Thoroughly checking your teeth and gums, they assess the condition of any previous dental restorations, check for emerging problems, and take X-rays once a year.

In addition to checking the general state of your oral health, they look for signs of oral cancer.

Learn more about Dental Exams

Dental Cleaning

Dental Cleaning

Also known as an oral prophylaxis, a dental cleaning involves removing dental plaque and tartar from the teeth. First, a water-cooled ultrasonic device loosens larger pieces of tartar. Next, hand tools manually remove smaller deposits and smooth the tooth surfaces. Once the teeth are free of tartar and plaque, the hygienist polishes the teeth.

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants protect against cavities in the permanent molars. Sealants are safe plastic materials. They fill in tooth crevices and protect the tooth from food and plaque. They significantly reduce the incidence of cavities in treated teeth.

Fluoride Treatment

Flouride Treatment

Fluoride is a natural substance that strengthens teeth and prevents decay. Our practice administers fluoride treatments as a critical component of pediatric dental treatment. Fluoride comes in gel, foam, or varnish forms.

Custom Oral Appliances

Custom Oral Appliances

Our office can fabricate custom oral appliances that protect your teeth and gums during sports. Our appliances alleviate sleep apnea by providing an open airway while sleeping. They can also relieve stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) caused by tooth clenching or grinding.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous Oxide image

Sometimes referred to as "laughing gas," you can inhale nitrous oxide through a mask that fits over your nose to help you feel comfortable and calm during treatment. Nitrous oxide can be a good option for patients who experience dental anxiety.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and Root Planning

Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical procedure used to treat gum disease. During the scaling process, specialized dental instruments remove dental plaque and calculus beneath the gums. Planing smooths the tooth roots after the scaling process. Root planing helps the gums heal and reattach themselves to a cleaner and smoother root surface.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy helps preserve your natural teeth with infected or inflamed pulp tissue. Dentists typically recommend root canal treatments for patients with compromised teeth. These teeth have deep decay that has reached the pulp or whose teeth have experienced a severe injury. Dislocated teeth also receive treatment.

During a root canal procedure, the dentist removes the pulp tissue in the infected root canal, cleans the canals, and seals the root to prevent bacteria or debris from recurring. Once the root canal treatment is complete, the dentist immediately places a temporary filling or crown to protect the treated tooth and restore the tooth's full function.



Extractions may be necessary for a variety of reasons. These reasons include preparation for orthodontic treatment, to make way for a dental implant, or if the dentist cannot save a tooth with restorative procedures.

Why Choose Chimon Family Dentistry?

Our family-friendly practice provides quality care in a comfortable setting. We offer a broad range of services and can meet many dental needs in one place.

Frequently Asked Questions About General Dentistry

Here are answers to some of our patients’ common questions:

How often should I see the dentist?

You should see your dentist at least twice a year for a routine cleaning and exam. Periodontal patients may need more frequent cleanings.

What should my home care routine be?

It would be best if you brushed your teeth at least twice daily. The technique is crucial when brushing teeth. Many people miss surfaces that can lead to dental decay. Floss at least once daily. Use fluoride toothpaste.

How critical is dental care for young children?

In the past, many children did not see a dentist until they were getting ready for kindergarten. Today, we understand that protecting a child's dental health should begin much earlier. Pediatric dentists recommend that children see a dentist soon after their first teeth emerge.

How does general dentistry protect your overall health?

Dental cleanings and exams not only detect oral cancer but may also help prevent a range of systemic diseases. Scientists link gum disease to higher heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and preterm birth rates, among other complications.

Call Chimon Family Dentistry

Call Chimon Family Dentistry at 516-877-2737 to set up an appointment for a routine exam and cleaning or to address any other dental concerns.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

810 Willis Avenue Albertson, NY 11507
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