3 Reasons to Invest in Cosmetic Dentistry

Many patients want a perfect set of teeth, yet they convince themselves that investing in cosmetic dentistry is wasteful spending. Paying just to have white teeth or straight teeth or to cover up a self-conscious gap? Is it even worth it? 

What these patients don’t realize is that, by doing so, they are actually gaining many benefits. Yes, you read that right. There are rewards for your investment. 

If you have been on the fence about whether or not you should invest in cosmetic dentistry, here are 3 reasons to take that leap. 

1. Better Oral Health

Better oral health is always a goal you should be chasing after - especially since your oral health can have a significant impact on your overall health. 

So, how does cosmetic dentistry help your oral health? 

There are so many things that can impact your oral health, including the buildup of plaque and tartar, overcrowded teeth, misaligned teeth, and so forth. All of this can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and so much more. 

Brushing and flossing can help tremendously - even more so when you see your dentist regularly for a professional cleaning and exam. But investing in cosmetic dentistry helps get to the root of the problem. It can ensure teeth are properly aligned, not crowded, with no gaps, and so forth.  If you no longer have a mouth of overcrowded teeth, you have fewer inconspicuous places for your bacteria and debris to hide. This will lead to a reduced risk of decay and even gum disease.

Of course, there is no denying the fact that when you feel good about your teeth, you are likely to care for them better, too. 

2. Save Money on Future Dental Procedures

Cosmetic dentistry costs money. And, often, it is an out-of-pocket expense since many dental insurance carriers will not cover these procedures. However, spending the money now could save you greatly in the future. 

Having a healthy mouth reduces your chances of needing things like root canal treatments, dental crowns, dental fillings, dental bridges, dental implants, and even deep cleanings. Each of these treatments will come with an expense - and it can add up. 

Keep your teeth aligned and get rid of overcrowding with cosmetic dentistry and save yourself some money. 

3. Boost Self-Confidence

Many people walk through life self-conscious and embarrassed by their teeth - or lack thereof. Unfortunately, this is often enough to have a negative impact on your overall quality of life. 

Investing in cosmetic dentistry can lead to a boost in confidence. It doesn’t matter whether you undergo a whitening treatment or you cover up gaps and straighten teeth - any positive change to your smile yields a positive result. 

When you are pleased with your smile, you feel good. You will find yourself smiling more - and that alone can change your life. 

Invest in Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

At Chimon Family Dentistry, we understand just how powerful a great smile is for both your oral health and your self-confidence. That’s why we work with our patients to help them achieve the smile they have always dreamed of. When you invest in cosmetic dentistry here, you won’t just walk away with good results - you will leave with the greatest results. 

To learn more about the cosmetic dentistry services we offer and how they may benefit you, contact us today at 516-877-2737. Or, request an appointment online. 

What is Cosmetic Dentistry? What are the Benefits?

Cosmetic dentistry is a type of dentistry that, along with restoring the functionality of teeth, also focuses on transforming their appearance. Cosmetic dentistry can address many imperfections, such as large gaps, chipped teeth, discolored or stained teeth, misaligned teeth, misshapen teeth, and more. 

Very few people are born with a perfect smile. But, thanks to cosmetic dentistry, it can be created. 

Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

There are many different procedures that can be used in cosmetic dentistry, depending on the patient’s needs. Here are a few of the most common treatments used in this field of dentistry today. 

Teeth Whitening. One of the first things people think of when referring to different types of cosmetic dental treatment is teeth whitening since it can take stained, discolored teeth and make them a much brighter shade of white. Professional teeth whitening yields greater results than over-the-counter options. 

Invisalign. This clear option for orthodontic treatment helps address many issues, such as overcrowding, crooked teeth, and misaligned bites. The result? In as little as a few months, patients can have a straighter, healthier smile with Invisalign.

Veneers. Porcelain veneers adhere to the teeth and correct any imperfections, such as chips, misshapen teeth, gaps, and more. Veneers are custom-designed and blend beautifully with the rest of the teeth. The durability of the porcelain gives the tooth full functionality for many years. 

Cosmetic Bonding. As another option for improving a tooth’s appearance, cosmetic bonding uses a material that matches the natural teeth to fill or restore a tooth. This material is added to the tooth to make adjustments to things like size, color, shape, and so on. 

Microabrasion. Microabrasion is another treatment that can remove stains, yellowing, or white spots from the tooth’s enamel. Because it is fully removed from the surface of the tooth, the results are long-lasting. 

Dental Implants. Missing teeth always need to be replaced in order to keep the bone structure strong and healthy - and to keep the remaining teeth from shifting. Dental implants are the gold standard when it comes to tooth alternatives, providing a natural-appearing, fully functional artificial tooth. Because they are anchored using an implant that fuses with the jaw bone, their longevity is unmatched. 

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

As long as teeth are restored and functioning, why focus on their appearance? Believe it or not, cosmetic dentistry plays a very important role - and its benefits are quite extensive.  

Simply put, even the smallest cosmetic dentistry treatments can have a major positive impact on the overall quality of one’s life. 

Transform Your Smile at Chimon Family Dentistry

If you are interested in seeing what cosmetic dentistry can do for you, Chimon Family Dentistry can help. Our dental team is skilled at transforming smiles using many different procedures. To learn more or see if you are a good candidate, contact us today at 516-877-2737. Or, request an appointment online.